Fly Control For Poultry by Useful Farm Products Fly Control For Poultry by Useful Farm Products Fly Control For Poultry by Useful Farm Products

Poultry Fly
Guaranteed Live
Fly Parasites are silent but deadly to flies.
Harmless to anything but flies
Shipments on a Bi-Weekly Basis

Fly Control for Poultry Farms

Eliminate Flies – Prevent Flies – That’s The Goal

If you have a poultry facility that produces flies we can help.

Start with a fly parasite plan – Here are the 2 we recommend:

Standard Plan

With the Standard Plan shipments come for 4 shipments over 5 weeks for impact and control. This provides the seed stock to reproduce and take control. Finally we recommend you add a shipment every 4 weeks while the poultry remain in the housing area.

Super Knockout Plan

The Super Knockout Plan is recommended for use when flies are abundant or "out of control".  The Super Knockout Plan provides 6 shipments over 9 weeks with the first two doubled

All prices for Standard and Super Knockout Plans include all shipments.

Number of Chickens Number of Units
Per Shipment
4 shipments over 6 weeks
6 Shipments
Over 9 Weeks
First 2 Doubled
Up to 2,000 1 unit A $132 1 $238
2,000 - 3,999 2 units B $212 2 $394
4,000 - 5,999 3 units C $296 3 $530
6,000 - 8,999 4 units D $364 4 $652
9,000 - 11,999 5 units E $400 5 $730
12,000 - 14,999 6 units F $468 6 $840
18,000 - 20,999 7 units G $520 7 $952
18,000 - 20,999 8 units H $576 8 $1,060
21,000 - 23,999 9 units I $624 9 $1,152
24,000 - 27,999 10 units J $660 10 $1,230
28,000 - 32,999 12 units K $744 11 $1,420
33,000 - 37,999 15 units L $920 12 $1,744
38,000 - 44,999 20 units M $1,140 13 $2,280
More than 40,000 Call for Pricing

Additional Fly Control

If you have flies outside on the premises they are most likely going inside to lay eggs or coming up to the house or going to and aggravating the neighbors.  Use Cedar Fly Traps. These traps catch thousands of flies and are designed for outside use only in the sun, last all season and many years after that. Order a couple and keep flies from the house. Order several to put along property line to stop flies moving to neighbors.

If you want your premises clear of annoying flies order a zapper or two. Plug it in and it just keeps zapping. Egg rooms, farm offices, main building. Low maintenance, high results and keeps zapping.